Kapil Eye Hospital

Femto Second Laser Assited Blade Free Lasik

What is Blade free lasik (intralase)
As the name recommends, the cutting edge free, or bladeless IntraLase technique does not utilize a sharpened steel [microkeratome] in the LASIK eye surgery system. Rather, it utilizes 2 different lasers to make the eye surgery more agreeable:

   Femtosecond Laser :  A femtosecond laser makes a thin corneal fold.
   Excimer Laser : An excimer laser, coordinated at the recently uncovered eye surface, changes the state of the cornea in the obliged manner.

How  Blade free lasik (intralase) done
The making of the corneal fold readies the eye for the second stride of the LASIK system, when another laser, known as an excimer laser, is utilized to right vision.

In light of the  path in which the IntraLase Method makes an accurately situated layer of air pockets just underneath the surface of your eye, it makes a smooth, even surface after your fold is lifted. The fold is then collapsed back so the specialist can perform the second stride of your LASIK technique.The IntraLase Method fold creation procedure takes under 15 seconds for every eye. Counting planning time, the whole LASIK strategy regularly takes around 10 minutes. Once the whole methodology is finished, the corneal fold “locks” again into position.

Blade free Lasik Safe & Effective
No more needing to bother with glasses or contact lenses does not need to be an extravagance. Through LASIK surgery, a huge number of men and ladies influenced by the visual slips astigmatism, hyperopia, and astigmatism have possessed the capacity to say farewell to their glasses and contact lenses for the last time. Our specialists’ experience, expertise, and commitment to patient security can help you securely accomplish clear, fresh vision without needing to depend on visual guides. To help our patients accomplish their fantasies of seeing their general surroundings unmistakably, we offer all-laser IntraLASIK at our Logan vision redress focus, close Ogden.

Persistent wellbeing is our top need. Through using razor sharp edge free LASIK innovation, our specialists can accomplish prevalent LASIK results while minimizing the danger of a patient creating difficulties connected with the making of the corneal fold. At Logan Eye Institute, we offer various treatment choices to enhance a tolerant’s vision including custom LASIK, PRK, and implantable contact lenses (ICLs). Your specialist will focus the system most appropriate to your extraordinary eye care needs amid your free LASIK discussion.

Blade free lasik (intralase) is beneficial
Similarly as with customary LASIK surgery, the most obvious reason a patient experiences edge free LASIK surgery is to see plainly without needing to depend on glasses or contact lenses. The best benifit of razor sharp edge free LASIK beside the rebuilding of clear, sharp, lively vision is the exactness with which the corneal fold is made. This exactness serves to minimize the danger of entanglements with the corneal fold.

The precision and accuracy of the femtosecond laser permits us to make a corneal fold that is the right profundity, shape, and plot for your extraordinary eyes. Through edge free LASIK, the corneal fold is more grounded, the adherence of the corneal fold is enhanced, and numerous fold entanglements can be maintained a strategic distance from by and large.

Patients experiencing all-Laser IntraLASIK at our vision rectification practice can hope to feel practically zero torment amid the system. Desensitizing drops are utilized amid the sharpened steel free LASIK methodology to take out any conceivable uneasiness from the surgery, making it for all intents and purposes effortless.